Local Sunshine Coast plumbing offers a wide range of Zip Tap Service Sunshine Coast throughout the Sunshine Coast. We have done everything from installation, filter replacement, error detection and repairs.
Zip taps are extremely practical and provide boiling, cooling and even sparkling water at the same time.
For all your Zip Tap Service Sunshine Coast installations and repairs, call our friendly team Local Plumbing Sunshine Coast today.
Contact us online or call us.
Zip Boiling Chilled tap services
Has your Zip boiler stopped supplying water?
Are the tap lights flashing?
Does the water continue to flow into the sink?
Is it just slowly dripping from the tap?
Has the unit stopped flowing completely?
Zip units for instant boiling water first appeared on the scene in the early 1980s. Since then, the popularity of wall units with the famous red tap has grown until they can be found in workplaces across the continent. Zip later diversified its reach to include under-bank units for brewing and chilled drinking water, and these continue to evolve as the business expands around the world. Local tech offering premium service and support for all Zip drinking water products.
Zip Tap Sunshine Coast Repair Contact us today at 0404 015 015 or order a service online. Local Plumbing Sunshine Coast provides service and support for the following Zip products:
Zip boiling units heat water quickly when needed to immediately supply boiling water in a comfortable and stylish plumbing system.
Zip hot water and their other faucet solutions have existed since 1975, when Zip Industries introduced the instant sowing system. Since then, they have continued to manufacture various direct cooking and chilled water systems for residential and commercial applications.
Zip units have several benefits for residential and commercial.
These include: =
Zip Hydro Tap Sunshine Coast – commercial and residential models
Wall-mounted water brewing systems
Filter water coolers
Zip chill faucet
Your local Zip Tap specialists on the Sunshine Coast
Talk to our friendly plumbing team today for all your Zip faucet needs. Our fully qualified and licensed plumbers are equipped to provide fast, professional and inexpensive solutions.
Whether you’re looking for a Zip Boiling or Chilled Water system you can have both in your office kitchen or replacing the faucet in the kitchen sink with a Hydroboil-style unit, we’re here to help.
Contact us at Local Plumbing Sunshine Coast. online or call us at 0404 015 015.
We are excited to share Zip Water is recognized as one of the newest companies in Australia and New Zealand on the list of the most innovative AFR Boss companies for 2021 – Manufacturing and Consumer Goods.
The prestigious annual list, published in The Australian Financial Review and Boss Magazine, is based on a rigorous evaluation process conducted by Australia’s leading innovation consultancy, Inventium, staffed by a panel of industry experts. , which evaluates product innovation based on the value of the problem, the quality and uniqueness of the solution and the degree of impact of the innovation. It is a complement to the company’s culture, strategy, resources and processes.
Started as a small family business in West Sydney in 1947, Zip Water has been building its brand for more than 70 years and has a history of the world’s first innovations, starting with the first direct water wall system in 1975.
John Waterman, President and CEO of Zip Water International, said Zip Water’s position is on the list in recognition of the company’s continuing legacy of innovation. AFR’s Chief Innovative Companies for 2021 – The Manufacturing and Consumer Goods List is a testament to Zip Water’s continued investment in innovation and design in Australia.
“The innovation has affected all aspects of Zip Water’s business here – from people to processing, and it’s great to be recognized by AFR and Inventium for this.”
The award recognizes the recent launch of HydroTap Touch-Free Wave, the contactless solution of our flagship HydroTap in response to COVID.
“With 43 common contact points for employees on their typical working day, we know we need to create solutions to improve workplace cleanliness while maintaining our focus on providing water to the majority,” said Doumani.
At its world premiere, Zip HydroTap Touch-Free Wave responds to hand-motion sensors to provide instant cooking, cooling and sparkling water while increasing the attractiveness of the design.
Designed and built locally in Condell Park, it was created in record time and is now installed by leading organizations in Australia and the United Kingdom, providing contactless activation of boiling, cooling or falling water to thousands of employees. The list of the most innovative companies AFR BOSS (formerly the list of BRW Most Innovative Companies) is now the ninth year. This list ranks the newest organizations in the industry in Australia and New Zealand and is the only national list of its kind. The list is reviewed and compiled by Inventium.
Zip Water September Good Design Awards
Zip Water was honored at Australia’s highest international design awards, 2021 Good Design Awards Week, and won two prestigious Good Design Award Winner in the Product Design category, Home Appliances for HydroTap Touch-Free Wave and HydroTap Classic Plus.
Both HydroTaps are at the forefront of the Zip Water product line, while HydroTap Classic Plus is a beautiful and more intuitive redesign of the company’s flagship product, HydroTap, and HydroTap Touch-Free Wave, which show business change without contact. solutions for a world that still counts on COVID-19.
Zip Water’s Director of Marketing, Strategy and Innovation, Mike Abbott, said the award was a remarkable achievement and praised the company’s innovation and leadership in outstanding product design.
“Winning two Good Design Awards is a unique honor. We are proud not only of our innovations but also of our designs. “It’s important for us to create a product that does what’s being said of it and to do it in style. We want to thank the jury and the Good Design Awards for this recognition,” said Mr. Abbott.
The Jury of Good Design Awards praised HydroTap Classic Plus and said: “The silicone touch pad with antimicrobial protection is also a good improvement on the previous design. The overall shape is clean and beautiful.”
They were also impressed by the HydroTap Touch-Free Wave technology, which states: “Promoting the use of tap water for drinking is healthy for individuals and the environment. This product is well thought out in both detail and detail. It sil passe. “It’s also a thoughtful response to the changing world we live in after COVID. Motion control is more intuitive and brings real benefits to end users. Overall, it’s a unique project that marks all boxes as good design in this category. Hello.”
Take a look at the HydroTap Touch-Free Wave and HydroTap Classic Plus Zip and find out more about the products. TAP HERE
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